
Poetry Reading

Poetry Readers at the Festival

We are happy to present the finalists of the Poetry Reading session “Beat it” who will be performing on the 13th July during the Italian Fusion Festival.

James Marchiori

James MarchioriJames Marchiori is an Italian born, Dublin based poet and writer. He wrote his first verses at nine years old and, being part of prestigious cultural organisations, he has been collecting various literary awards across Italy, London, Barcelona, and Prague. He’s also been awarded at the European Parliament in Brussels for one of his poems, and he’s always been devoting his years between the professional and the artistic life with a great interest for the Surrealism era passing through the French Symbolism and Decadentism, the Dada Movement, and the Beat Generation.  At twenty-one years old he published his first book of selected poems and, by his 28th birthday, other two poetry anthologies and short stories were out. His professional career brought him around the world from London to Los Angeles and New York, but he never stopped writing and studying philosophy and literature always taking tons of notes with him, no matter where his job experiences were heading to.

His last novel, ‘To My Beloved Heart’ is a tribute to the master, Edgar Allan Poe, his primary source of inspiration, and some signed copies are still available at Dubray Books, Rathmines. 2019 will also see his first English collected poems anthology; he’s also currently working on a crime story set in Dublin, with fragments of gothic, occult and supernatural elements. Bohemia incarnate, a soul devoted to Surrealism and Poetry. More details and complete Bio at

Merv Nickleman

Merv NicklemanMerv Nickleman, international poet, writer and philosopher is absolutely delighted to share his inspirational new poetry book, “Ten Phenomenal Poems That Might Just Change Your Life”, with his world-wide followers and lovers of poetry. Through his poems, Merv seeks to help readers embrace their universal, never ceasing human struggles, needs and desires.

His poems shed light on a myriad of shared human experiences including, first love, searching for home, pondering untaken paths, allergies, gaining insight, reminiscences, home from home, compassion, connecting to your roots and finding your tribe.

Massimiliano Bianchi

Massimiliano BianchiMassimiliano Bianchi was born in Rome, the job of his father implied a change of location every three years leading to integrate the journey as a constant of his life. He lived in several Italian cities to then settle in the beautiful Verona at the age of 12. After his undergraduate studies in Italy, he obtained a PhD in Neuropsychopharmacology from the University of Nottingham in England.

Massimiliano worked as a neuroscientist for the pharmaceutical industry first in Italy, then in the United Kingdom, France and finally Ireland, where he created a private neuroscience research company based in the prestigious Trinity College Dublin. In this University, he is also Adjunct Assistant Professor at the School of Psychology.

A professional neuroscientist and poet during the spare time, in his poems Massimiliano revisits psychological and introspective themes such as the human mind, existential traumas, the relationship with the ego, the journey, the encounter with spirituality and the nature. His first collection of Italian poems entitled “Odysseus – A poetic journey” was published in June 2018 by Oédipus Edizioni with the preface of the Italian writer Dario Voltolini.



Poetry reading

Poetry Reading

On the occasion of Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s 100th Birthday the Italian Fusion Festival this year will include three 10 minutes slots dedicated to poetry.

Since the time of the Beat Generation, poetry and jazz have always been sharing the stage. For this reason, the Italian Fusion Festival would like to invite poets to join us on stage to present their work.

The jury will select the finalists who will be performing on the 13th July during the Italian Fusion Festival in BelloBar, Dublin.

Submission period: from 1st May to the 15th June 2019.

Diane di Prima, Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Herb Gold look back on San Francisco i

Accompanied by a backing band, American poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti gives a reading at the Jazz Cellar nightclub, San Francisco, California, February 1957.


How to Apply

Send your poem along with a short bio to

Deadline 15th June 2019 at 12PM.

Contact us for more info.