
Andrea Facco Eliana Valentini

The Ballroom Sessions in 4 Photos and 2 Videos

This year at the Italian Fusion Festival we proposed language, music and dance workshops and two acoustic sessions with two of the best musicians in Dublin.

3:30 PM Workshop Irish Trad DanceIrish Dance

4:30 PM Workshop The secret of Italian gestures

italian body language

5:30 PM Workshop Uilleann Pipe

6:30 PM Workshop Traditional Dance from the South of Italy

7:30 PM Andrea Facco

8:30 PM Sean Whelan

Andrea Facco

andrea faccoWe are happy to introduce the Italian folk part of our lineup. This year the Italian Fusion Festival presents Andrea Facco.

Andrea Facco is singer-songwriter from Genoa, Italy. At the age of nine, he began to cultivate his passion for music by taking the first guitar lessons with Giorgio Falco. Search artistically grows with the teachings of Katzumi Nagaoka, Armando Corsi and Gianni Martini. Thanks to which thirteen years he began to compose his own songs (music and lyrics). Parallel to the guitar he engages in the self-taught study of ethnic and ancient instruments. Among them: the Oud, the Lute and the Bouzouki, which became his favorite instrument.
